By Alina Adams for Kveller
As someone who learned English from watching TV, wrote a Master’s Thesis about TV, then worked in TV, I feel I can say with certainty that Christmas specials, be they rip-offs (sorry, homages) of “It’s a Wonderful Life,” “A Christmas Carol,” or “Miracle on 34th Street,” all share a common message: Nonbelievers Snooze, Nonbelievers Lose.And those who don’t believe, well, you deserve whatever you’ve got coming. (Or not coming, as the case may be.) It’s got to be true. I saw it on TV.
Do the nice people who make television, and its near-mandatory Christmas episodes, realize that’s the message they’re sending? Are they doing it deliberately?
I don’t think so, and no, they aren’t.
I sincerely think the show’s creators are under the impression that they’re presenting a universal message about the value of faith, hope, and believing in miracles (hey, that last one is almost Hanukkah-ish, isn’t it? If you squint a little?).
Some of the best stuff on TV might very well be an ecumenical Christmas show. But, as the saying goes: Would you want your kid to watch one?
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