With no Jewish holidays coming up immediately, we bring you articles of some well known and some not so well known Jews. Enjoy.
In ‘Son of Saul,’ actor Géza Röhrig defies our every expectation of a Holocaust movie hero
By Vox Tablet
The antithesis of nearly every Holocaust movie ever made, the Hungarian film Son of Saul is slim on happy endings. Directed by László Nemes, it tells the story of a member of the Sonderkommando, the Jews who ushered their co-religionists off the trains into the showers and who, after the gassings, cleared those showers out to ready them for the next batch of victims. Saul, portrayed by Géza Röhrig, is shaken out of his numbness and despair by the body of a child who survives the gassing and suddenly, amid the true-life rebellion of the Sonderkommando in October 1944, engages in his own form of resistance.
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