...On the fifteenth day of this seventh month is the Festival of Sukkot, seven days for the L-RD. -Leviticus 23:34
Sukkot is the last of the Shalosh R'galim (three
pilgrimage festivals). Like Passover and Shavu'ot, Sukkot has a dual
significance: historical and agricultural. Historically, Sukkot commemorates the
forty-year period during which the children of Israel were wandering in the
desert, living in temporary shelters. Agriculturally, Sukkot is a harvest
festival and is sometimes referred to as Chag Ha-Asif
, the Festival of Ingathering.
The word "Sukkot" means "booths," and refers to the
temporary dwellings that we are commanded to live in during this holiday in
memory of the period of wandering. The Hebrew pronunciation of Sukkot is "Sue
COAT," but is often pronounced as in Yiddish, to rhyme with "BOOK us." The name
of the holiday is frequently translated "Feast of Tabernacles," which, like many
translations of Jewish terms, isn't very useful. This translation is
particularly misleading, because the word "tabernacle" in the Bible refers to
the portable Sanctuary in the desert, a precursor to the Temple, called in
Hebrew "mishkan." The Hebrew word "sukkah" (plural: "sukkot") refers to the
temporary booths that people lived in, not to the Tabernacle.
Sukkot lasts for seven days. The two days following
the festival, Shemini Atzeret and Simchat Torah, are separate holidays but are
related to Sukkot and are commonly thought of as part of Sukkot.
The festival of Sukkot is instituted in Leviticus
23:33 et seq. No work is permitted on the first and second days of the holiday.
(See Extra Day of Holidays for an explanation of why the Bible says one day but
we observe two). Work is permitted on the remaining days. These intermediate
days on which work is permitted are referred to as Chol Ha-Mo'ed, as are the
intermediate days of Passover.
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